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gen_pygments_css(css_dir='css/', styles_list=['default', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'friendly_grayscale', 'colorful', 'autumn', 'murphy', 'manni', 'material', 'monokai', 'perldoc', 'pastie', 'borland', 'trac', 'native', 'fruity', 'bw', 'vim', 'vs', 'tango', 'rrt', 'xcode', 'igor', 'paraiso-light', 'paraiso-dark', 'lovelace', 'algol', 'algol_nu', 'arduino', 'rainbow_dash', 'abap', 'solarized-dark', 'solarized-light', 'sas', 'stata', 'stata-light', 'stata-dark', 'inkpot', 'zenburn', 'gruvbox-dark', 'gruvbox-light', 'dracula', 'one-dark', 'lilypond'], css_selector=None)

Generate CSS stylesheets for each Pygments supported style.

CSS stylesheets for all Pygments styles are output into a created css/ directory by default.

To generate a single stylesheet pass in a string containing the name of a Pygments style or to generate multilple stylesheets pass in a list of strings containing Pygments style names. More information is available at the Pygments documentation:

A string, list or tuple containing the CSS selector(s) to prefix onto the generated Pygments classes can also be defined and passed in when calling the function. More information is available at the Pygments documentation:

Example Usage:

from gen_pygments_css.gen_pygments_css import gen_pygments_css

# Called with no arguments.

# Called with a string passed into the styles_list.

# Called with a list of strings passed into the styles_list.
gen_pygments_css(styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

# Call with a CSS selector defined.

# Call with a multiple arguments defined.
gen_pygments_css(css_selector=".highlight", styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

# Call with a relative custom css_dir.

# Call with an absolute custome css_dir.

# Call the function and create a list of strings containing the paths of all 
# stylesheets.
my_list = gen_pygments_css()


Name Type Description Default
css_dir str

Relative or absolute string of the location to output the generated CSS stylesheets to.

styles_list list(str

A string or list of strings containing the name of Pygments styles. Defaults to a list of all style names returned by the get_all_styles() function from Pygments.

['default', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'friendly_grayscale', 'colorful', 'autumn', 'murphy', 'manni', 'material', 'monokai', 'perldoc', 'pastie', 'borland', 'trac', 'native', 'fruity', 'bw', 'vim', 'vs', 'tango', 'rrt', 'xcode', 'igor', 'paraiso-light', 'paraiso-dark', 'lovelace', 'algol', 'algol_nu', 'arduino', 'rainbow_dash', 'abap', 'solarized-dark', 'solarized-light', 'sas', 'stata', 'stata-light', 'stata-dark', 'inkpot', 'zenburn', 'gruvbox-dark', 'gruvbox-light', 'dracula', 'one-dark', 'lilypond']
css_selector Union[str, list, tuple]

A string, list or tuple containing the CSS selector(s) to prefix onto the generated Pygments classes. Defaults to None.



Type Description
file_list (list(str))

A list of strings containing the location(s) of the generated CSS stylesheet(s).

Source code in gen_pygments_css/
def gen_pygments_css(css_dir="css/", styles_list=list(get_all_styles()), css_selector=None):
    """Generate `CSS` stylesheets for each `Pygments` supported style.

    CSS stylesheets for all `Pygments` styles are output into a created `css/` 
    directory by default. 

    To generate a single stylesheet pass in a string containing the name of a 
    `Pygments` style or to generate multilple stylesheets pass in a list of 
    strings containing `Pygments` style names. More information is available at 
    the `Pygments` documentation:


    A string, list or tuple containing the CSS selector(s) to prefix onto the 
    generated `Pygments` classes can also be defined and passed in when calling 
    the function. More information is available at the `Pygments` documentation: 


    Example Usage:

        from gen_pygments_css.gen_pygments_css import gen_pygments_css

        # Called with no arguments.

        # Called with a string passed into the styles_list.

        # Called with a list of strings passed into the styles_list.
        gen_pygments_css(styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

        # Call with a CSS selector defined.

        # Call with a multiple arguments defined.
        gen_pygments_css(css_selector=".highlight", styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

        # Call with a relative custom css_dir.

        # Call with an absolute custome css_dir.

        # Call the function and create a list of strings containing the paths of all 
        # stylesheets.
        my_list = gen_pygments_css()

        css_dir (str): Relative or absolute string of the location to output the 
            generated CSS stylesheets to.

        styles_list (list(str)): A string or list of strings containing the name 
            of `Pygments` styles. Defaults to a list of all style names returned 
            by the `get_all_styles()` function from `Pygments`.

        css_selector (Union[str, list, tuple]): A string, list or tuple 
            containing the CSS selector(s) to prefix onto the generated 
            `Pygments` classes. Defaults to None.

        file_list (list(str)): A list of strings containing the location(s) of 
            the generated CSS stylesheet(s).
    if isinstance(styles_list, str):
        styles_str = styles_list
        styles_list = list()
    css_dir = Path(css_dir).resolve()"Creating '{css_dir}' directory if it doesn't already exist.'")
    css_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    file_list = list()"Generating CSS stylesheets.")
    for item in styles_list:
        file_location = Path(f"{css_dir.resolve()}/{item}.css")
        file_list.append(file_location)"Style: {item}")"Location: {file_location}")
        if css_selector == None:
            cmd_str = f"pygmentize -S {item} -f html > {file_location}"
  , shell=True)
            cmd_str = f"pygmentize -S {item} -f html -a {css_selector} > {file_location}"
  , shell=True)"Generated CSS stylesheets available at '{css_dir}'.")
    return file_list

Last update: 2022-04-06
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