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The gen-pygments-css Docs

About The Project

Generate CSS stylesheets for each Pygments supported style.

Built With


To get a local copy up and running choose one of the below install instructions and follow the steps provided.

Install With PIP

The simplest way to install gen-pygments-css is to use pip:

pip install gen-pygments-css

Install From Source

Alternatively you can install from source by following the steps below:

  1. Clone the repo:
    git clone
    cd gen-pygments-css/
  2. Create and source a Python virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements with pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


CSS stylesheets for all Pygments styles are output into a created css/ directory by default, this can be overridden.

from gen_pygments_css.gen_pygments_css import gen_pygments_css

# Called with no arguments.

# Called with a string passed into the styles_list.

# Called with a list of strings passed into the styles_list.
gen_pygments_css(styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

# Call with a CSS selector defined.

# Call with a multiple arguments defined.
gen_pygments_css(css_selector=".highlight", styles_list=["monokai", "stata-dark"])

# Call with a relative custom css_dir.

# Call with an absolute custome css_dir.

# Call the function and create a list of strings containing the paths of all 
# stylesheets.
my_list = gen_pygments_css()

Last update: 2022-04-06
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